KHLF Summer Public Service Fellowships

The King Hall Legal Foundation (KHLF) is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operated and managed by King Hall students. KHLF will award summer public service fellowships to currently enrolled first and second year students to undertake public service legal work that serves underprivileged and underrepresented populations. KHLF does not provide fellowships for judicial or prosecutorial work.


To be eligible for the KHLF Fellowships, candidates must:

  • join KHLF as a member; 
  • be a 1L or 2L student at King Hall;
  • complete volunteer hours for Auction
  • and secure an offer to work for an eligible non-profit organization or government agency.  Prosecutorial and judicial work is not eligible for KHLF funding.

 Fellowship Award Amount

The amount of each KHLF Summer Fellowship award will be determined based on that year's fundraising success and the number of eligible member applications. The amount raised will be divided equally among each eligible member who applies. KHLF grant recipients must disclose to KHLF the sources and amounts of all other summer funding. This includes an amount received in any form from their organization, including but not limited to, stipends, transportation, and other expenses. This also includes any outside funding, including but not limited to grants and scholarships. Grant recipients may not receive more than $10,000 of total funding from all sources for the summer (including the KHLF summer grant). Any amount above this cap must be refunded to KHLF accordingly.  KHLF may also fund part‐time public interest legal work on a pro‐rated basis.