Recent Graduate Information

*** Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024! UC Davis School of Law will hold a commencement from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025 at the Mondavi Center.

For more information, please contact the Law Commencement team at

Returning Academic Attire

Academic hoods are provided by the Law School the day of commencement. The hood is the possession of the School of Law and must be returned to the School of Law immediately following the ceremony. The gown must be returned to the Campus Bookstore following the ceremony. You may keep your tam and tassel.  A collection station will be posted outside the University Credit Union Center's southeast entrance on the Hutchinson field for collecting hoods and gowns.  If you don't use the collection station immediately following the ceremony, it is your responsibility to deliver your gown to the Bookstore and your hood back to the law school in the External Relations Office on the Monday following commencement.  Your diploma will not be released to you until you have returned your academic hood.


UC Davis is a member of the Order of the Coif.  To be elected to the Order of the Coif, students must be in the top 10% of their graduating class and have 75% of their UC Davis units as graded units. Eligibility for Order of the Coif membership is determined after the sixth semester. Transfer students coursework completed for a grade in the first year of law school and transferred towards UC Davis Law JD degree will count as graded credits for calculating the required 75%; however, the actual grades earned in the first year will not be considered. The list of students eligible for Coif membership is voted on by the UC Davis Law faculty at the first faculty meeting of the academic year following graduation. If you qualify for Order of the Coif, you will receive an invitation letter from the Dean in late September.

UC Davis School of Law does not recognize Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude.

Graduation Photos

Photo proofs taken by the professional photographer will be emailed to you once available.

Diplomas and Final Transcripts

Diplomas will be available to pick up at the Law Registrar's Office in late July, after the Office of the University Registrar has officially posted your degree to your student record. You will be contacted by email when your degree has officially been awarded.  If you are unable to pick-up your diploma in person and would like the Law Registrar to release your diploma to a friend or family member, you will need to contact the Law Registrar's Office in writing with the name of the person you would like your diploma released to.  This person will be asked to show photo identification to pick-up your diploma.  You may also arrange for shipping your Diploma using the eShip Global service.  This service offers special student shipping rates through FedEx, UPS and DHL for both domestic and international addresses, and allows for tracking of oversized documents. Request your diploma to be mailed here. If you have any holds on your record, transcripts and/or diplomas will not be released to you.  Please check your academic record on MyUCDavis for any holds.

Law Library Information

If you are remaining in Davis to study for the Bar, the library will allow you to keep your carrel. They will be contacting you with information regarding this. If you plan to leave directly after commencement, you need to have your carrel cleaned out, and all checked-out books and materials returned by mid-May.  Failure to return library books and materials may result in holds on your student record, or additional fees which will prevent you from receiving your diploma.

Lockers and Mail Folders

CLEAN THEM OUT before you leave Davis. Anything left behind will be disposed of. Your help is appreciated.  In July, mail folders will be relocated to the Registrar’s Office.  Important items remaining in mail folders will be held through the end of August, for pick-up with diplomas.

Alumni Directory

There are many useful resources available to you on our Alumni Directory.  If you haven't registered, you can do so using this link

Access to UCD and King Hall Student Services

Many campus and King Hall services are connected to your student enrollment status and your UCD computing account.  Items include your access to SISWEB, the Law School Intranet and other campus services some which are accessed using your Kerberos login credentials, and some services related to your Student ID card.  From the date you graduate, you have roughly 90-days to access and use most student services.  In these 90 days we strongly encourage students to tie-up-loose-ends, find alternative or replacement services, and save any student record information you would like to refer back to, in a new secure location.  Here are a few things to consider:

Email Account Information 

Your email account is managed by the central campus IET officeGraduates will retain email accounts for 2 years after graduation, but addresses are modified so that they end  with "".  More information about this change can be found here.

Graduation and SHIP Insurance Coverage 

Students who graduate, and who were covered by Davis SHIP the previous term, may elect to enroll in the voluntary Davis SHIP coverage for one additional semester of coverage. Enrollment is not automatic.  You will need to follow the instructions on the SHIP website to enroll in coverage for an additional term. 

Academic Information and Records

You will soon lose access to SISWeb and MyUCDavis, as these systems are for current students, not alumni. Once your degree has been awarded, the Registrar's Office advises you to print and save an unofficial transcript for your future referenceIf you need access to your transcript in the future, the only option for an alum will be to purchase an official transcript through the Office of the University Registrar, subjecting you to their processing timelines and fees.  Also, while you’re logged into your student record, please adjust your mailing address and any other contact information.

Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) Membership

This year, graduates will be offered a free extension of their ARC membership lasting through the end of Summer.  For students continuing in the fall, if you wish to use the ARC facility over the summer you will need to purchase a summer membership

Parking Pass

If you plan to stay in Davis or are doing your Bar study at King Hall, you may need to purchase a temporary parking pass if your student parking pass expires at the end of the term.  You should visit the TAPS page for information.