Salon Quotes Professor Sarkar on Conservatives' Dislike for Consumer Watchdog Bureau
Professor Shayak Sarkar spoke to Salon for a Dec. 11 story on Republican opposition to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Then-President-elect Donald Trump’s close advisor Elon Musk posted in November on his X platform that he would like to “delete” the CFPB.
Conservatives who frame the CFPB as anti-financial institution imply that regulation and oversight is bad for business, Sarkar told Salon.
“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, in protecting consumers, is also protecting the integrity of our financial markets. You need to have financial market integrity in order for us to allow for meaningful and healthy choice, because meaningful and healthy choice in a market without integrity isn't really meaningful choice at all.”
Shayak Sarkar's scholarship addresses the structure and legal regulation of inequality. His substantive interests lie in financial regulation, employment law, immigration, and taxation.